First of Many

September 29, 1978, Friday, New Paltz, NY


They met the next night as planned, and the one after that too. They weren’t able to make it every night, although they damn near tried. Not every visit was like the first one, although they all ended much as the first one had. They were curious about each other and spent hours talking, joking, and sharing ideas. Both had volleyball and soccer, and some homework did get done, yet most of their time was spent making out.

After a week, Conor realized they hadn’t really been out on a proper date. They still hadn’t gone full-on public as a couple in school either. Although he had an A average, he knew most of her friends didn’t see him in the brainy group. He wondered if she thought they’d make fun of her for being with a soccer guy. He figured a date outside of school was a clever idea.

In typing class, he passed her a note, “I love the chrysalis we’ve been sharing at your house, or is it a moth’s cocoon? Either way, us moths need new flames to fly toward…”

Kai read it and wrote, “Butterflies like me don’t need flames, we generate the fire from within, or haven’t you noticed?”

She then folded the note and handed it to the girl behind her who smiled, shook her head from side to side, and whispered back, “Did you know that even cavemen spoke to one another?” Amused, Kai scrunched her face at her and nodded toward the back row urging her to pass the note back.

Conor read it, smiled, and sent this back, “It’s confirmed, I’m definitely a moth, totally hooked on your flames.” He added a crude smiley face, then wrote, “As long as you can guide me past your dad’s bug zapper, this moth would like to take the beautiful Monarch out on the town. Are you Game?

She sent a reply, “You’re finally asking me out on a date? You must be feverish, check your temperature, or your pulse!”

Conor smiled as he read it and wrote back, “It did take a while, but you’ve finally reached the base-level requirements.”

Kai read his note and looked back at him over her shoulder mouthing the word “wow” with an expression of amused sarcasm. She wrote, “Oh Great Moth Master, what have I done to earn such a lofty appraisal?” She then folded the paper and handed it to the student behind to pass it back.

Conor sent this note back

“It’s rather simple, you’re spontaneous, witty, playful, vocal about what you want, accepting for who I am, and you’re wild. Also, you earned extra points for being incredibly sexy. Other than that, nothing major…”

Kai read it as the bell sounded ending class.

She sat there staring at the note and absorbing his words as everyone around her got up at once. After the room cleared, the thoughts swirling in her head cleared too, and she found Conor out in the hall.

Kai rushed toward him and jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist, and hands on his neck and shoulders. She began kissing him fully on the lips several times from all sorts of angles. Then looking directly at him with a halo of awe in her eyes said loudly enough to be heard by everyone:

“I love that you so get me, Conor Walsh.”

The hall was full of students heading to different classes, and their acrobatics didn’t go unnoticed. It jolted even the most jaded, and a crowd stopped to watch. After several more kisses all over his face, she slid out of his grasp. Standing in front of him, with her palm she playfully pushed him in the chest, adding, “Now where are you taking me on our date? It better be expensive!”

For a Friday night, the New Paltz Cinema wasn’t that busy, allowing for plenty of personal space for the patrons. Those in attendance took full advantage and few paid attention to the screen. For Conor, going to a movie wasn’t an excuse to make out, it was a time to watch for interesting edits and camera movements. He held Kai’s hand throughout yet was intent on what was on the screen.

The movie, a Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn comedy called “Foul Play,” was a tame Hollywood effort at best. As the movie credits started to crawl up the screen, Kai and Conor slid into their coats and began to head out of the theater.

“I doubt that matched up with Hitchcock or Ingmar Bergman, but did you like it?” Kai asked.

“Whoa, someone’s been doing their homework!” Conor replied.

“Well, you did say you were into filmmaking. I thought I’d brush up on it.”

He looked at her with an amused expression, “You never cease to amaze me.” Pausing a bit he continued, “Definitely not Hitchcock, a bit of Capra maybe, even that is a stretch. It was fun though; Goldie Hawn is the perfect clueless character.”

“Who is Capra, uh, never mind,” she said as she slipped her arm through his and beamed a toothy grin knowing she’d look it up later.

When they got outside Kai asked what was next. Before the movie, Conor had taken her to dinner at Barnaby’s Restaurant, and it was clear she wasn’t ready for the night to end. Conor mentioned that his parents were out of town for the night and suggested they go to his house. He had a bottle of decent wine, and they could hang out, listen to music, or watch TV.

It was her first ever visit and with the house all to themselves, Kai asked for a tour. She could tell it was a two-parent working home. Not shabby per se, but it certainly had a lived-in look about it. Conor was the last of five kids, and most of them had grown up in this house. His mom was a librarian and although not an intellectual, she was brilliant and did her best to pass the love of literature on to her children. The living room was dominated by wall-to-wall bookcases, and books were everywhere with more bookshelves in every room.

Kai also saw trophies, ribbons, and photos of various sports mementos mixed in with the books on the shelves. Conor described how his parents had chosen quite different career paths. His mom dealt with books, and his dad was a coach and an athletic director. Conor told Kai that his dad was hugely successful winning state championships and various tournaments over the years. No surprise, all five kids played a host of various sports learning how to compete, win, or lose.

There were also all sorts of musical instruments sprinkled about the house. Kai asked if they were trying to give the Partridge Family a run for their money. Conor laughed and thought she wasn’t that far off. His oldest brother and sister made up two-thirds of a Peter Paul & Mary type group when they were in High School. Every family member was in a band at one point, including his parents. Growing up someone was always singing, playing instruments, or a record was spinning loudly on the stereo. Except for playing the trumpet in the fourth-grade orchestra, Conor was the lone family member to never join a band and told her at one point he thought of being a singer.

Kai had begun to realize how he hid his shyness with his wry sense of humor. She wondered if it was what kept him off the stage. She could easily see him as a lead singer in a band, as he definitely would look the part.

When it came to Connor’s room he tried to pull the door closed, and Kai pushed right past him. He was embarrassed comparing his room with her “apartment,” but she had no time for that nonsense.

Scanning the room she didn’t see any sports paraphernalia. Instead, there were several old movie posters on the walls and an Arabian-looking tapestry hung from the ceiling. He told her the tapestry had come from a friend who lived in Libya for a year and brought it back for him.

By his well-made bed, she spied a stack of books, mostly biographies, and there were clothes strewn about. She liked that it wasn’t a typical teenager’s room. Handing him boxer shorts found near the bed, she playfully held her nose and punched him in the shoulder.

As they toured the house, Kai was her curious self, asking about Conor’s family and upbringing. She loved discovering more about him and couldn’t help comparing it to her own broken family. They were the exact opposite.

The Walsh kids were encouraged to learn about the world through books, compete loudly with each other, and sing or play music together. In Kai’s family, they were sent to their room for being too loud or speaking when they weren’t asked. Still, this was true about most of her friend’s families, and she tried to put away the comparisons.

As more layers of the “Conor” onion got peeled away, the closer she felt toward him. He was smart, well-rounded in many areas, accepting of everyone, and had a big heart. He was always in the popular group at school, yet except for soccer, kept out of the limelight. Few if any at school knew the real Conor, and if they did, the girls would be lining up for him. There was no way Kai was going to let this happen.

As they walked around his house she knew she was falling in love with him.

“How about a glass of wine?” Kai asked.

Ten minutes later they were sitting on the sofa, sipping wine in the living room. They chatted easily about the night and what future nights could be like. The house tour and a second glass of wine had relaxed Kai and she felt at home with him. Soon one thing led to another, and they were making out as if the world were ending at midnight.

Kai couldn’t help herself and without looking away from Conor’s eyes, she reached over and unbuttoned his shirt. She moved her hands inside, placed them on his bare chest, and caressed his body from his shoulders to his waist. She trembled as she moved her hands over his ribs toward his lower waist, and she reached over and kissed his upper body.

Caught up in the moment, he reached for the hem of her top and pulled it over her head revealing her bra. Not waiting for him to fumble with the clasp, Kai reached around, undid it, and slipped it off her shoulders. Conor was overcome by the sight. Kai’s breasts were perfect. They were large for her size, firm, and pointed up at the tip with expansive nipples.

Conor wasn’t prepared for where this was going, and he wrapped his arms around Kai in a hug, pressing their chests together to buy a second for him to think. This didn’t help at all. The feeling of her bare breasts pressing against his chest was overwhelming.

Kai had taken the initiative to go past merely making out, and he had to go for it. Even though he had no experience “going for it” since he’d never done it. There was no turning back. Like most everything else, he’d act like he did and hope for the best.

Kai slipped Conor’s shirt off and kissed him all over his chest. In turn, he started kissing her neck while placing his hands around both breasts cupping them and making a circular motion. Kai arched her back and let out a low moan.

He continued kissing down her shoulders and then moved to her breasts, massaging the most sensitive areas with tongue and lips. Kai squirmed, tilted her head back, let out a yelp, and started breathing hard. When she couldn’t stand it anymore, she started bucking her hips, loudly moaning, and reaching for the belt of his pants.

It took only a few seconds for both of them to be fully naked. Kai slipped under Conor laying on her back on the sofa. Except for magazines, it was the first time he’d ever seen a fully naked woman. The site of her beneath him took his breath away. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

The excitement they shared was beyond anything either had experienced. Neither wanted to pause the moment, and Conor didn’t stop to consider protection. They were so erotically charged; that their lovemaking didn’t last long. With energetic moves that only two finely tuned athletes could make, they shared an intense simultaneous orgasm. Conor did his best to pull out before it was too late, and Kai smothered him with passionate kisses for several moments afterward.

They lay together on the couch catching their breath. Even though the first time isn’t supposed to be great, for Conor it was beyond incredible. Losing his virginity to Kai was something he would never forget. Kai thought Conor was amazing and felt he seemed way more experienced than he had let on.

It wasn’t Kai’s first stint with sex. To get it over with, Kai had lost her virginity to a chubby neighbor during junior year. This was different. He seemed to know just how and where to touch her, and it felt so good she doubted it was Conor’s first time. She could tell he was focused on her desires more than his own, and it blew her away.

Kai wrapped an arm and leg over Conor and laid her head on his chest with her breasts pressing against his side. They lay like that for several minutes in silence. It was one of the best things she loved about Conor, the way he was comfortable with the silence of merely being present.

Finally, propping herself up on an elbow, Kai announced, “I can’t believe that’s what we’ve been missing. We have to do this every day!”

“That was great, and I think it can get even better, and I’m willing to try again and again,” Conor replied with a sarcastic grin and eyes open wide.

“You’re right,” Kai said. “What was I thinking, we’ll need to do it two or three times every day.”

“At least,” Conor agreed with a smile that would sell parking tickets to police officers.

“First thing tomorrow, we get a year’s supply of birth control pills,” Kai added.


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