Mysterious Lust

October 1, 1978, Sunday Night, New Paltz, NY

Conor walked into Friendly’s to catch Kai on her break. She’d been on the go since their predawn hike up on the Gunk cliffs and then the cave misadventure at the Crag. It was already a long day and then being called in to work at the restaurant unexpectedly, he thought he’d check on her to see how she was doing, and maybe get some free ice cream.

Fortunately for Kai, it was a slow Sunday night with only two tables seated. She was taking a break sitting in a booth toward the back of the restaurant. She wore her light blue server’s uniform, making her look more mature, like ten years older. Her face was shiny with a sheen of perspiration that mixed with the fryer oil billowing around the restaurant. There were limp wisps of hair hanging down the side of her face, adding to her frazzled appearance.

Sitting across from her in the booth with his back to the rest of the dining room, sat a big guy with a baseball hat on. Conor couldn’t see who it was, and he stayed by the front counter not wanting to interrupt things. He didn’t have long to wait. The big guy stood up, appeared to say something that made Kai laugh and turned to leave the restaurant.

When he got to the front counter area he nodded in his direction, muttered “Conor,” and walked out the door.

Conor held a shocked open-jaw, wide-eyed expression while walking down the aisle to Kai’s booth and sat in the spot recently vacated.

Kai smiled at Conor and reached across the table putting her hand in his. He still held a “what was that all about” look on his face shocked that QB1 was visiting his girlfriend.

With a twinkle in her eye, she said, “I asked Aaron to meet me here during my break.”

Conor shrugged his shoulders while raising his eyebrows in a mystified and incredulous manner, silently imploring her to tell him why.

Still smiling she said, “Calm down, what happened in the gym with Aaron has been bothering me. I wanted to apologize for what I said to him.”

In just two minutes, an avalanche of competing emotions had coursed through Conor. Shock, jealousy, anger, love, awe, and confusion were some of them. Staring into Kai’s eyes, confusion quickly gave way to amazement.

“You had nothing to apologize for, he is a jerk and was way out of line!” Conor blurted out.

“He certainly was a dick,” Kai agreed, “though what I said to him was pretty harsh too. Talking with him just now, I found out it also hit home. He felt what I said had a lot of truth to it and it’s been eating away at him.”

“Why, because he can’t seem to throw a football anymore?”

“I’m not sure, but he wouldn’t let me apologize. He meant it. He said that what he did to me was junior high stuff, and he knows that he has to grow up.”

“He’s right!”

“Conor, he must have said he was sorry about five times. I thought he was going to cry,” Kai added.

“Things must have changed pretty quickly after his confession. I saw him make you laugh before he left.”

“Oh that, he heard about us and said if you get to see me in a bathing suit, you’ll probably score five goals in a game.”

“O.K., he may be on to something there…”

It was after midnight when Kai finished her waitressing side work and was able to clock out at Friendly’s. On the go an hour before sunrise that morning, she was beyond exhausted. After stopping by, Conor had gone home and besides the night manager and the janitor, the restaurant was empty.

Kai waved goodnight and went to the back of the restaurant to get her jacket and stow her apron in her locker. Entering the locker area, there was a wet spot on the floor and not seeing it, she skidded and slipped to the floor. Surprised that she fell, she slid over to the tiled wall, leaning her back against it while still sitting on the floor. She felt the exhaustion seep in and slowly opened and closed her eyes a few times.

When she regained her wits, she found herself in the backseat of a strange car with her pantyhose and panties dangling from her ankles. Her server’s uniform was unbuttoned, and her breasts were pulled out of her bra in full view.

She felt for any injuries or signs of a struggle, but there were none. She felt energized and glowed deeply inside with a sense of pleasure. She reached down and pulled her panties up to her waist and felt a wet warmth between her legs. Kai tucked her breasts back into her bra and refastened her uniform. She pulled her pantyhose off and stuffed them into her purse as the car door opened.

Aaron the quarterback hopped in next to her on the back seat.

“That was amazing! I have to say when you spotted me in the Friendly’s parking lot, the last thing I expected was for you to walk over and French kiss me,” Aaron crowed.

Kai sat next to him stunned. Aaron was amped up from what he had just experienced.

“Hell, after working all night, I was surprised at how energized you were. It was like you’d just woken up. When you reached between my legs while kissing me, I almost jumped out of my pants right there!”

She couldn’t believe what she had heard from him. It was hard to imagine, but it was clear that Aaron wasn’t making it all up either.

“You were like a wild animal once we drove over here and parked. I’ve never had it like that before. That’s what they call pure lust, and it was out of this world.”

Kai was freaking out inside. She was madly in love with Conor, how could she have done this? The thing is it made her feel incredible inside, which scared her even more. She had to think fast.

“What made this a bit weird is that I know you’re seeing Conor, and it didn’t look earlier tonight like you two were on the outs. Also, when I called your name as you bounced on top of me, you kept saying your name wasn’t Kai. What gives? Is this a cover, do you do this with other guys too?” Aaron asked.

There was a pregnant pause while Kai organized her thoughts on how to get out of this with her life intact.

“Listen, Aaron, there’s been a huge mistake. I’ve never done anything like this before in my life. I’m not just seeing Conor, I’m madly in love with him.”

“Then you must have really liked my apology earlier, huh?” Aaron joked.

“Listen carefully. Just before walking out of Friendly’s, I slipped on a wet floor and bashed my head on the floor,” she lied. “When I came to, I walked out, saw you and fully concussed thought you were Conor. I was totally out of it and figured a strong dose of sex would flood my brain with dopamine and oxytocin helping me snap out of it.”

“Oxy what, dopa who, what are you talking about? Am I the dope here?”

Obviously, Aaron hadn’t paid attention in biology class.

“Aaron, you have to forget everything that just happened here. Until five minutes ago I had no idea where I was. I didn’t know I was even in your car until you just opened the door and got in.”

“No way, how can I forget the best sex of my life!”

“You’re young, this moment will be surpassed ten times over in a few years. Hell, the back seat of a car wouldn’t even make my top 10 with Conor.”

“Kai you’re incredible, but does this mean that you and I…”

“There is no ‘you and I’ Aaron,” Kai interrupted. “Not only do you have to forget this, you can’t tell anyone. Ashley told me you’re screwing that hot cheerleader. What’s her name?”


“Exactly, Ronnie. You don’t want that to end, do you? This will never happen again between us – and I mean never, ever. So if Ronnie finds out, and if you tell anyone you know she will, your regular sex with Ronnie will disappear.”

“You really thought I was Conor?”

“Absolutely,” and to build his ego she added, “although you’re much bigger,” she lied again with a wink.

“I am? That’s awesome. I am bigger, aren’t I? All right, I guess this will be an amazing one-off. Something to brag to the guys twenty years from now about the good old high school days.”

“No, not even then Aaron. I’m serious.”

“O.K., I do want to continue to bop Ronnie even though she is not as hot as you. We’ll keep this a secret between us,” Aaron agreed.

Kai had Aaron drop her off at home, and she walked around to her back patio and plopped down in a lawn chair. She was wiped out and exhausted. There was a feeling of dread deep within her. She knew very well that she didn’t hit her head when she slipped. There was no bruise and the only pain she felt was the same deep on again off again migraine she was having from time to time.

How the hell could she have been compelled to have sex with Aaron? He was a pampered Prima donna football jock. Not anyone she was attracted to, ever. You’d think with all the sex she had with Conor since Friday night; she wouldn’t be looking to get it anywhere else. None of this made any sense.

She sat there and wondered what Conor would say if she told him what happened. They loved each other so much that it would be beyond betrayal. She could never tell him and hope to God that Aaron kept his mouth shut. Hopefully, he and Ronnie would stay together throughout the rest of the school year, and he wouldn’t say anything.

Worse, what did having sex with Aaron say about her, especially since she seemed to have enjoyed the hell out of it? Her heart soared when she thought of Conor. She never loved anyone like she loved him. The anxiety of it all seeped into her unconscious mind. She woke up a few hours later still sitting in the lawn chair, freezing and covered in dew.

She trudged inside to catch whatever sleep was left until it was time for school, hopeful that it was all just a bad dream.

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