Snowy Gaulish Picnic

January 18, 1978, Thursday, New Paltz, NY

The weather was so dreary Conor felt the need for something to help forget the overcast skies, even if it was only for a day. Checking the forecast, he noticed a Nor’easter snowstorm was expected in the coming week, and it so happened it was the same day as Kai’s birthday. Never one to let a great opportunity go to waste, with a strong expectation of a snow day from school, he told Kai to clear her day for them.

She wondered what he was up to, and knowing Conor, the night before Kai got out her snow boots and parka, figuring they were probably headed out into the cold on a hike somewhere. The next morning with school closed for the day, Conor called to say he was on his way over to her place. She asked if there was anything she needed to do or wear, and Conor said only a thirst for fun and a wild imagination would be needed.

Donk, donk, donk was the sound of knocking on the slider. Conor was holding a large shopping bag, and Kai noticed a cooler and a large basket with a lid sitting on the patio. She quickly ushered him in to keep the cold out of the room with a look of surprise.

Once Conor brought in his items and they settled in, out of the large shopping bag he pulled out two berets and placed one on her head and the other on his. Then he pulled out a long blue and white knitted scarf and gently wrapped it around her neck and shoulders.

“What are you up to Conor?”

Without answering, like a mime, he raised the index finger on his hand as if to say, “in due time.”

He then pulled out a pair of soft, plush flannel pajama bottoms that matched the scarf. He slowly undid the button on her jeans, slipped them off, and slid the PJ bottoms on over her panties. Then out came the matching pajama top, and he pulled off her sweater and buttoned it over her bra. They fit perfectly.

“They feel warm and cozy, I love them”

He opened the large basket, took out a red checked blanket, and unfurled it fully over the carpet on the floor of Kai’s room. Then held his hand out to her, like a footman helping a princess out of a carriage. Kai took it with a slight bow of her head, and Conor guided her onto the blanket, where he had also placed throw pillows from her bed.

“I’m sure you realize that I ordered up today’s snow day. I couldn’t think of a more ideal way to celebrate your birthday than with a picnic,” Conor announced, and Kai laughed with delight.

“You are aware picnics are a summer thing?” Kai asked pointing to the sleet bouncing off the slider glass.

Then added, “You know, cold fried chicken, potato salad, watermelon, frolicking in the grass with a game of tag?” Kai teased.

“An indoor picnic is way more fun than any old summer picnic. Besides, your birthday is in the heart of winter. You do remember the part about a wild imagination, right?” Conor smirked.

“You’re crazy. So, what’s with the berets?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Conor asked.

He reached back into the basket and pulled out two plates, white cloth napkins, and a Tupperware container. In soothing tones, Conor continued.

“Close your eyes and imagine we’re like the couple in that picture,” Conor pointed to the large photo hanging at the head of her bed, and continued, “We’re on the rooftop overlooking Paris. Imagine you’re the girl in the picture, and it’s your birthday and we did some cooking together.”

Kai with her eyes closed, laughed and said, “Cooking, on the rooftop, in the snow?”

“Stay with me on the roof Kai, we’ll get a bigger scarf, it’s your birthday after all,” they both giggled.

Conor took off the container’s lid and plated the contents.

“Now, open your eyes.”

“Crepes Suzette? You’ve got to be kidding!” Kai cried.

“They might not taste like the crepes you get near the Mabillon metro station, but they should still be warm, I made them just before coming over,” Conor said.

Kai took a spoonful, tasted them, and swooned, “Wow, they are good!”

“Savor them, Kai, roll them over your tongue, conjure up images of Paris rooftops, the Bastille, the Eifel Tower,” Conor said dramatically, then deadpanned, “and give me a chance to open the birthday champagne.”

Conor reached into the cooler and pulled out two chilled wine glasses, and a bottle of Taittinger. He dramatically popped the cork and poured some into each glass.

“Conor, this is insane, it’s not even 9 AM,” downing the champagne in one large gulp.

“Now pour me some more!” she said with a giggle holding out her glass.

When they finished the crepes, Conor pulled a smaller container out of the cooler and placed a perfectly ripe strawberry on the rim of her champagne glass, and refilled it.

“The first night we hung out you said something about strawberries being your favorite fruit. They happen to go great with champagne,” Conor said.

“Man, nothing gets past you, huh?”

After they finished off the strawberries, Conor took a small flask out of the cooler. He filled each glass halfway with champagne and poured orange juice from the flask topping off the champagne.

“Oh my God, a mimosa! I had this for the first time at a Trocadero café with my mom last summer.” She cried.

“The day is early my lover of French things, now that I’ve liquored you up, how about one of their famous kisses?”

“I’m not buzzed enough to fall for that cliché trick, mon amis, try again if you want one of those!” Kai teased.

Conor held up his mimosa glass and motioned for her to do the same. He moved close and curled his glass around her arm and brought it to his lips, motioning her to do the same. They drained their glasses with arms and eyes locked on each other.

“Mieux?” Conor asked, setting their glasses aside.

“Yes, better, much better.” Kai cooed and embraced him for a long passionate French kiss.

Before they realized it, their clothes were off, and they were making love. Afterward, lying on the picnic blanket, they stared into each other’s eyes.

“I just love, love my birthday surprise, “ Kai cooed.

“I am thoroughly addicted to you Kai,” Conor replied.

Kai smiled sweetly and blinked her eyes slowly while staring at him, and her expression changed to one of concern. She placed her palm over his forehead as if checking for a fever.

“Perhaps you should consider a twelve-step program before it’s too late,” she deadpanned then giggled.

They laid back on the blanket staring up at the ceiling and fell into easy conversation about the future, and what they wanted out of life. She was going to be a scientist, and he’d make movies and write novels. She wanted three kids but wanted to travel the world first and explore everywhere. Conor said he’d be her guide anywhere she wanted to go.

Conor continued the French theme for brunch, with a baguette, brie, country pate, and baby cornichons. While they munched, Conor brought out the day’s games and entertainment. He stacked Jenga blocks into a tower, and they played hoping not to recreate the jumble of blocks they’d crawled over in the cave at Bonticou Crag. He also brought Scrabble which Kai won three games in a row as Conor claimed foul for all the scientific terms she used.

For a late lunch, he opened a bottle of red Bordeaux wine and served cold fried chicken, salad with vinaigrette, and watermelon. He apologized for not including the potato salad. When they finished lunch, Conor put a small ramekin of Chocolate Mousse in front of her with a single candle. He lit it, without singing, and wished her a Joyeux Anniversaire.

“This dessert is decadent and rich, and should be enjoyed in small tastes,” Conor said as he handed her a small spoon.

Kai being Kai, blew out the candle and loaded her spoon with as much mousse as she could. Before putting it in her mouth, she noticed she had uncovered something sparkling at the bottom of the dish. She ate what was on her spoon and used it to pry a beautiful polished purple stone out of the dessert.

Looking at Conor with total surprise, she got up and washed the stone off in the sink in her bathroom. She noticed the stone had a silver backing with a loop, and engraved in small letters was “Yours Always, CW.”

Kai walked back into her room, and Conor was holding an elegant chain in his hand that he threaded through the stone’s loop. He placed it around her neck.

Conor whispered in her ear, “Amethyst purple for my Aquarian Princess, Happiest of Birthdays, Kai.”

“It’s beautiful Conor. I’ll never take it off,” she said, and taking his head in her hands and looking up into his eyes said, “You make me feel extra special, even on my birthday. I love you so much.”

As it started to darken outside, they cuddled together under the covers of Kai’s bed in comfortable silence. They both were thinking about the coming year ahead and the changes that were sure to occur.

They were coming to the end of a time in their lives when decisions made for them by others would now be theirs to make. It was a time they shared before innocence was lost.

For months, except for saying goodnight and waking up in different beds, they spent every day together. Deep in thought, each reflecting on the other. Conor smiled remembering Kai as a monarch butterfly, jumping into his arms in front of the whole school after typing class, and a New Year’s Hollywood night of nights.

Kai thought about a sunrise on the mountain, apple picking with an echo, and stories from Arabian Nights, lifting her spirits in a dark moment. There were so many shared surprises and unique experiences. They knew the coming year would be different, and neither could imagine a life without the other.

Kai interrupted the silence.

“Conor, come to France with me?” Kai asked in a hushed voice.

He didn’t answer, cocked an eyebrow, and turned his head to look into her eyes.

“I don’t know when or for how long. I can’t see myself there without you,” she added.

“I was thinking about the coming year too. There are a lot of changes coming our way once we graduate. I don’t want the beautiful bubble we’ve created to pop.” Conor said.

“Hmmm. Well, maybe in Paris we could create a French bubble, no?”

“That would be encroyable! If we can swing it, I would love to go with you. For everything else we’ll figure it out.” he added.

“All right then, whatever comes, like Dumas musketeers, one for all and all for…” Kai paused for effect before quickly adding with a huge smile, “Meeeee!,”


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